USA River Rats
We live in a world accustomed to instant gratification, and waiting can be difficult.
However in the spiritual realm, patience is still rewarded.
Scripture encourages us by reminding us to wait on God.
We don’t have to be consumed or worried because “ His compassion never fails “
Instead, with God’s help we can “ be still… and wait patiently for Him”
We can trust in His love and faithfulness even as we wrestle with unanswered prayers for healing.
God bless you all.
Your River Rat friends continue their prayers for your strength and healing.
Dennis ( The Menace ) McMullin
Chaplain USA River Rats.
Members that need Sick and Needing healing prayers,
Encouragement, Empathy and Compassion
Update from the Chaplain
Spoke with Woodchuck. He sounds very frail and was hard to understand. Probably the meds he’s taking.
Left message for Scarecrow.
Grasshopper message box is full.
Tried to contact Flash, getting voice response when calling his cell number "No longer in Service"
Conclusion: A brief personal visit is the best communication.
However, ill people don't always appreciate visitors.
Close family members or close friends are the best.
Please try to contact these folks to check in on them as its a group effort.
Dennis ( The Menace ) McMullin
Chaplain USA River Rats
Heard from Belinda Dudley that Top Con had a stroke on Tuesday while in Deland helping his lady friend.
He is now staying with the Dudleys ( Gunner & Belinda ) in Mims as his speech is slurry and he needs support and help to recover. They will take him to his V A doctor appointments.
I will try to see him over the weekend.
Top Con had a stroke
Beth "Grasshopper" Quinton
Gordon "FLASH" Benson
Rob ( Salamander) Lessard/Susie( Susie Q ) husband.
Taking her and Rob’s 2 daughters ( flew in yesterday to look after Sue )
Will get an update on Sue’s hip fracture.
The family needs our prayers.
Heavenly Father, Help us to know we pray,
That our suffering and pain too will pass,
As You guide us along the right path
And that only goodness and kindness
Will follow us all the days of our lives
God, heal our wounds and our sicknesses
And grant us peace of mind.
Dennis (The Menace) McMullin
Dennis (The Menace) McMullin
Chaplain USA River Rats.
May God Bless You All
Keep You In His Loving Care
Contact Info: 321-267-6885
God’s Love is Eternal
Health of all world citizens.
Keep the faith, God hears our prayers
for He will not forsake us.
Dennis ( The Menace) McMullin
Chaplain USA River Rats.
Chaplain USA River Rats.